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Family Dentistry

We provide comprehensive oral health care for the entire family - all ages and stages of life.  See below for more detail on specific treatments and procedures.

Check-ups and Exams

Oral health assessments at regular intervals are critical to maintaining health teeth and gums throughout your life.  Most dental disease presents without any pain until problems are large and complex, so it is important to have your teeth and gums checked regularly.  Starting around age one, we will assess growth, development, effectiveness of home care (brushing/flossing) and address any concerns you may have.


When decay is diagnosed it is important to have the decayed tooth structure removed and replaced with filling material before larger problems develop. In addition to removing active decay, we will also work on strategies to reduce your risk of future decay.


In cases where a tooth has had large fillings or extensive restoration (including root canals) a full coverage restoration, also called a crown, is often indicated.  A crown covers the entire tooth surface, usually to gum level.  A crowned tooth can still get decay, so hygiene is very important, particularly where the edge of the crown meets the tooth structure.  Both white and gold materials are available, and we will discuss choice of material on an individual basis.

Tooth Replacement

Missing teeth can have a large impact on your day to day life, from the foods you choose to eat to how you feel when you smile.  There are a number of options for replacing missing teeth, and we are happy to discuss them with you on a case by case basis.


Implants are the most tooth-like option and consist of the implant itself (which acts as the "root") and a crown on top (which is the chewing surface that is visible above the gum).  Implants are placed by a surgical specialist, and you will return to our office for placement of the crown. 


Bridges use the two teeth on either side of a space to support a false tooth.  Hygiene and maintenance are critical to ensuring a long life-span for bridges.


Partial dentures are removable and made of a metal or acrylic frame with clasps and acrylic teeth to replace those that are missing. 

Root Canals

When a tooth has very deep decay, sustains heavy trauma or develops an abscess, root canal treatment may be required.  During a root canal we remove the compromised pulp tissue from the center of the tooth, clean the internal tooth structure, and fill the space left behind.  This is a last resort to save a tooth.  In cases where the root canal treatment may be more complicated we will refer you to a specialist to ensure the best possible outcome for your tooth. In most cases it is recommended to crown root canal treated teeth for the best long term prognosis.


If you are looking to brighten your smile or even just lighten a single tooth, please ask us about bleaching options.  Every case is different, and we can recommend the method of treatment that will work best for you.


In certain cases, we may put you in touch with a specialist to provide you with the best quality treatment.  Specialists that we work with often are orthodontists (for tooth movement), endodontists (for more complex root canals), periodontists (for implant placement and gum disease), and oral surgeons (for more difficult tooth extractions).

Family Dentistry: Services

phone: (250) 384-4260

205 Cook Street, Victoria, B.C. V8V 3X2


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