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Staff Protocols

Here's how we're helping to keep everyone safe.

Beginning of the Work-day

  • Staff screening: all staff members complete a symptom questionnaire and record their temperature at the beginning of the work day. 

  • Office-only scrubs:  all clinical staff members change into clean clinical scrubs upon arrival at the office, and prior to leaving for the day.


During Patient Care

  • Enhanced PPE: in addition to the usual mask, gloves and eye protection, staff will wear face shields and may wear a surgical gown depending on procedures being performed. 

  • Donning/doffing PPE: special care is taken by staff to both don and doff their PPE appropriately to ensure no cross contamination occurs.  Our donning and doffing procedures are posted in each op for reference.  Hand-hygiene occurs frequently throughout the donning/doffing procedure and frequently throughout the day.

  • Minimized staff movement during appointments: whenever possible staff members will stay in the room for the duration of a clinical procedure, only exiting after used PPE is doffed. 

  • Cleaning/disinfection: as always, patient care areas and instruments are cleaned and disinfected between patients as well as at the beginning and end of the day.  Soft surfaces in the ops have been minimized, and all exposed hard surfaces are subject to cleaning and disinfection.  High touch areas outside of patient care rooms are disinfected multiple times a day and recorded on our cleaning schedule.

  • Air purification: During and following aerosol-generating procedures we run our Jade Surgically Clean Air medical-grade air purifier, which uses a carbon filter, a HEPA filter and UV-C light sterilization. This completely sterilizes the air in the operatory approximately every six minutes.


End of the Work-day

  • Staff change out of scrubs and into street wear to exit the office.  Scrubs are transported to launder isolated in closed bags.  Hand hygiene is performed after removing scrubs and before leaving the office.

Staff Protocols: News

phone: (250) 384-4260

205 Cook Street, Victoria, B.C. V8V 3X2


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